Luise Lee

The new face(s) of Bridge Blogging

What do you think of the new design? I love it! We have been wanting to add faces to our bridge blogging bloggers for quite some time now. Thank you, John, for making this happen!

If you are a blogger and you have a generic face and would like to rectify this with sending us a photograph, please do so! You can email a picture to myself ( or lisa ( and we will add your photo for the world to see.


MichaelNovember 23rd, 2011 at 6:11 pm

I like the new look, would like to see a hit meter too.

Ross TaylorNovember 29th, 2011 at 12:41 pm

I think the new look is terrific. Well done Luise

LuiseNovember 29th, 2011 at 5:33 pm

I would say thank you for the compliment, but I took mostly a back-seat role this time with the new changes. I had very little to do with most of it. The person who needs thanking is our programmer, John Goold 🙂

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