Luise Lee

When things go EXTRA wrong…

When I made my post last week about the recent problems we have been having with our scheduled maintenance, I ironically asked any of you who were having problems to contact Little did I realize, at the time, that there was an issue with that email address that none of us knew about. We were so busy trying to migrate over everyone’s blogs and fix the load time issues and login issues that people were having that we completely forgot to set up the support email address!

I formally apologize to anyone who has sent an email to since last Sunday, as your email has vanished into the internet black hole. The email address is fully restored now and if you resend your mail, I promise you, I will receive it this time! However, just to be safe, you could also cc and one of us will tend to your blogging needs as soon as possible.

Oh boy… what a headache this move has been! There is a bright side to all of this — I do believe that we are nearing the end and thanks to the help of our very talented programmer, I believe the final result will be an improvement to the old design. Thanks, John, for all of your hard work!

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